My high school was very much into the arts and sciences (hence the career choice), so they had an art show every May. At the art show, each student got to pick the one or two pieces they were most proud of to display with their class's work.
The lower grades were displayed in the hallways, however, the senior class got to display theirs in the gym. The students taking the other senior art classes I was in (they usually were in just one) put their artwork along gym walls.
Each senior had a space to hang their work. In front of their space they placed their senior picture and a book for guests to sign and comment on their work. (lower right of the first picture). AP art students put their pieces in the center of the gym on 3 walls (for each art class we took).

The watercolor nymphs in the top right is with my step father.
The water color of the trees is with my friend L.
The chalk pastel of the trees was given to the man whose lawn I sat on to make that piece.
I still have the chalk pastel pumpkin still life in my attic.
The water color peaches are in my mother's living room as mentioned previously.
The watercolor chess piece rests on my bedroom wall.

In the second picture, the top left piece was purchased by the school. Each year my school becomes patrons of the arts and buys just two pieces from the senior class. One was mine!
I don't remember what happened to my chalk pastel portrait in the top right.
I still have the negative space charcoal portrait in the attic.
The piece inspired by "Desiderata" is under my chalk pastel portrait. It used a combination of colored pencil (light and airy) for the uplifting imagery and oil pastel
(heavy and dark) for the negative imagery. I chose to do the piece on the line "With all its sham drudgery and broken dreams it is still a beautiful world."
The water color of "Air Sea and Land" sits in my office at work.
The sculpture on the chair broke apart and I threw it away. It was of the angel of death.
You probably can't see her in this picture, but there is a sculpture of Medusa's head on the floor. That too broke.

Finally in the third picture, in the top left, Euterpe, the muse of music made from sheet music is inspiring a comic book like guitar player as music lyrics float around them. This is in my attic at the moment.
The cut paper dragonflies in the top right sits in my attic.
The water color and cut paper girl holding a light is hanging in my mother's massage room.
The monochromatic acrylic painting in my attic.
The black and white piece - also resting in my attic- was made by placing black contact paper on white cardboard and making inverted cur outs.
The final portrait of a girl contemplating the scary news headlines also sits in my attic.
I hope you all enjoyed my high school art show!